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Herb Shop Jonesboro

Chaparral Leaf

Chaparral Leaf

Regular price $10.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.50 USD
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Chaparral (Larrea tridentate) has powerful antioxidant properties that help alleviate oxidative stress and cell damage that can lead to chronic disease. Chaparral is a vasodilator that enhances circulation and supports the detoxification process while clearing impurities from both the blood and the lymphatic system. The potent antioxidant properties of chaparral protect the liver and kidneys from oxidative stress and cell damage that can lead to disease. Chaparral's anti-fungal properties make it ideal to manage skin conditions caused by fungi. Chaparral possess potent anti-inflammatory properties which provide pain relief and support the immune system. 


Chaparral Leaf

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