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Herb Shop Jonesboro

Angelica Root

Angelica Root

Regular price $11.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.00 USD
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Angelica Root (Angelica Archangelica, Angelica Sinensis) is often used to support hormonal balance and soothe discomforts associated with PMS and menstrual cycles. Angelica Root is a digestive aid that supports healthy digestive secretions, absorption of nutrients, and soothes gas and bloating. Angelica Root is a respiratory stimulant that helps warm, tone, and clear the lungs. It also helps establish a healthy inflammatory response in the respiratory system. Angelica Root has blood moving properties that help improve circulation and regulate menstruation. Angelica Root possesses antimicrobial properties that are effective in combating harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses, and helpful in preventing infection. 


Angelica Root

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